
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@doi 10.1109/SIBGRA.1999.805742
%T The GAO distribution as the true model for SAR images
%D 1999
%A Jacobo-Berlles, Julio,
%A Mejail, Marta E.,
%A Frery, Alejandro C.,
%E Stolfi, Jorge,
%E Tozzi, Clésio Luis,
%B Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 12 (SIBGRAPI)
%C Campinas, SP, Brazil
%8 17-20 Oct. 1999
%I IEEE Computer Society
%J Los Alamitos
%P 327-336
%S Proceedings
%1 SBC - Brazilian Computer Society and UNICAMP - University of Campinas
%K gao distribution, sar images.
%X For many SAR sensors, urban areas, forests and pasture areas have a growing degree of homogeneity, and for each one of these region types there is a distribution class that fits the data best. In this work, the feasibility of using the GAO distribution as a general model is studied, and the practical usefulness of this proposal is shown. The GAO distribution will be adopted as the true model, and its locally estimated parameters will be used for classification of synthetic and real SAR images.
%3 043-07857927.pdf
%O The conference was held in Campinas, SP, Brazil, from October 17 to 20.
